white elephant的词源


white elephantyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
white elephant: see elephant
white elephant (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"burdensome charge, inconvenient thing that one does not know how to get rid of," 1851, supposedly from the practice of the King of Siam of presenting one of the sacred albino elephants to a courtier who had fallen from favor; the gift was a great honor, but the proper upkeep of one was ruinously expensive.


white elephant:白象,昂贵而无用之物


该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:white elephant 词源,white elephant 含义。

white elephant:无用而又累赘的东西;昂贵而无用之物

相传,在暹罗国即古泰国,白象(white elephant)被视为圣物,王室规定除了暹罗王之外任何人都不得乘坐或役使。由于白象十分稀少而珍贵,故捕获的白象均须送入宫中,由专人喂养。暹罗王常把白象赐予失宠的臣子,以此来惩治他。白象食量很大,饲养颇费钱财,一般人根本供养不起,而且视为圣物,不能役使,只能白白喂养。因此对臣子来说,白象成了弃之不敢,留之无用的沉重包袱和巨大累赘,最后往往使主人不堪负担乃至倾家荡产。据此,英语便用white elephant喻指“无用而又累赘的东西”,“昂贵而无用之物”或“沉重的负担”,“对己无用对人有用的东西”。